By Anonymous - 06/06/2013 18:47 - Isle of Man - Douglas

Today, my little sister was scared to sleep alone, so my parents made her sleep in bed with me. I barely slept, due to the utter terror of waking up to her chanting into my ear in a low whisper, "This is where you die, this is where you die..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 374
You deserved it 3 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have started chanting back: "you're going to counseling, you're going to counseling".

Did the television turn static and did she say "they're hereeeeeee"?


Did the television turn static and did she say "they're hereeeeeee"?

Pwn17 25

No, instead she rotated her head 180 degrees.

And vomited on OP which then causes OP to vomit back.

Dawnstempest 17

Come play with us OP, come play with us.

This is probably one of the scariest threads I've ever seen 0.0

You should have started chanting back: "you're going to counseling, you're going to counseling".

Dawnstempest 17

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No OP should chanted back "if you don't shut the hell up, this is where you die.."

thandidavis 17

#30 Guess it went over some heads. I get it ha!

Girreth 7

No #83, we all got it. It just wasn't funny.

Lol I 'bout died when I read this one XD

This sounds like the start of a horror flick.

let's hope there isn't a sequel for OP's sake.

jessicajackson_fml 8

Kill it with fire Jk Jk Jk

peterjohnson 2

That would only work if OP had a brother.

Astronaut01 11

I would make her stay in my parents bed

Either psychopathic or trying to scare you ! Lock her in her room

She might just be saying it in her sleep, I know my brother says i say creepy things in my sleep and of course I don't mean them.

MilkyFilmz 26

If you don't mind me asking,like what?

One time, my boyfriend rolled over and grabbed me and screamed "I'm going to cut off your arms and roll your legs!" Usually, he's very peaceful though haha..

Kidd, they just say the darnedest things

Yes, Jason Kidd does say the darnedest things. I only kidd. :P

jojimugo 20

Other kids do, this one is plain scary and psychotic.

yesio12 13

Stay away from her as much as you possibly can. This is seriously the creepiest FML I've ever read.

Cusefan5 6
inthedopeshow 17

Agreed, I was reading FMLs in bed and ended up turning on my light .____.

Dawnstempest 17

@ 23 I'll let you in on a little secret. Light doesn't protect you, it just makes them stronger.

Really?! Your really going do that to me?

inthedopeshow 17

31, I just need to see the monster so I can decide which window to jump out of