Talk to me

By brendejafulable - 15/08/2020 14:02

Today, I had a conversation about how my day was, while dreaming. That’s how lonely I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 303
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

me: is it weird to talk to yourself me: no

jfigley 5

Bruh! Go to a bookstore, or a coffee shop, or someplace you can be by yourself and strike a conversation. At least in times like these you can compliment someone on how you like their face mask and the cool design. Conversation....bam!


jfigley 5

Bruh! Go to a bookstore, or a coffee shop, or someplace you can be by yourself and strike a conversation. At least in times like these you can compliment someone on how you like their face mask and the cool design. Conversation....bam!

brendejafulable 41

Lol that’s a good idea! Thank you

me: is it weird to talk to yourself me: no