By brokenatthebar - 24/03/2017 09:00 - United States - Carleton

Today, I was dumped via text halfway through my 8-hour bar shift. I had to deal with my co-workers and customers asking me how my vacation with my now-ex was for the next 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 769
You deserved it 317

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

Anyone who breaks up via text is a gutless prick.

I was dumped through text by my last boyfriend too, it hurts a lot :( sorry OP, but you really do deserve better. If you guys were serious enough to take a vacation together then he especially should've respected you enough to do it in person.


I was dumped through text by my last boyfriend too, it hurts a lot :( sorry OP, but you really do deserve better. If you guys were serious enough to take a vacation together then he especially should've respected you enough to do it in person.

Usually, if you snap at them, "Not good!", they'll get the point and change subject.

BuckNekkid 22
species4872 19

Anyone who breaks up via text is a gutless prick.

Sorry, but that is SO low. A real man, or a real woman, has the courage to break up in person. Since he's spineless, an invertebrate, vacation couldn't have been much fun. I mean, carrying him around everywhere and propping him up in a chair like a jellyfish, with him sliding in a blob to the floor ;).

my history teacher told us if there was one thing we should learn it is to never dump someone by text. it is so hurtful to them.

I'm so sorry for what happened to you. However, I hope that you will find that this was a good thing very soon. Breaking up via text is sorry, chickenshit thing to do to anyone.