By filipkm - 28/04/2016 22:04 - Slovenia - Ljubljana

Today, I learned that you should always check the inside of your guitar to avoid a snake bite. Nope, strings don't help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 610
You deserved it 845

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think the real FML is that you left your guitar in a place that a snake could get in. Or you house is infested with snakes. In option b, there only one recourse: burn the house down and never look back.

Get the snake to go outside by distracting it with some badgers and mushrooms!


I guess the snake just didn't enjoy your music sadly

mustang351c 11

At first I was wondering how a snake could even hide in a guitar, then I realized you're talking about an acoustic.

I think the real FML is that you left your guitar in a place that a snake could get in. Or you house is infested with snakes. In option b, there only one recourse: burn the house down and never look back.

Pssh, foolish #4, that won't work! Guitar Snakes are immune to fire, kinda like dragons.

UserError94 18

Idk where "Slovenia ahhh shah z shahssbsb janzhhbs" is but it sounds like there was no escaping this snake attack

Slovenia is in Europe, I live about an hour north from where OP lives, in the neighbouring country, and venomous snakes are extremely rare here, especially in urban regions. I would never think to look into stuff for snakes before picking something up and I've never met a snake while being out in the woods or anywhere here.

Burle 17

Guess music doesn't sooth the savage beast

Get the snake to go outside by distracting it with some badgers and mushrooms!

Because obviously that's the first thing you should think to do when picking up a guitar. "I should just check inside for snakes before I play this."

Snakes could get attracted to music

lynadette 5
UserError94 18

I have a feeling maybe the snake wanted a no strings attached kind of relationship