Today, my daughter is so selfish, she did her makeup in her hospital room so she could take a selfie with her newborn son in the background BEFORE she had even held him for the first time. Yes, BEFORE. My grandson spent his first hour of life waiting for his mom to be ready for a photo op. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 447
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Great, his mother is a complete and utter narcissist. I'm sure that kid will wish he was adopted out.

dragonladiesfire 19

would hate to see what else she will make her son wait on her for in the future.


dragonladiesfire 19

would hate to see what else she will make her son wait on her for in the future.

voodoo66 5

so what, those pics will last a lifetime, whats wrong with her wanting to look good a little

Ambrily 27

What part of "she did it BEFORE she held her son for the first time in their lives" didnt sound clear enough to you?

voodoo66 5

question is why does it sound weird to you? the picture has to be taken of the first time she holds the kid, otherwise whats the point

power_in_the_now 19

An hour tho? I can see maybe doing a quick touch up or something... I didn’t wear any with all three of my children but then again I only need to wear Mascara, blush and tinted lip balm (some under eye concealer on the days I feel super tired). I also understand that some people what to look like completely different people with make up than they do without... just not sure if wait until after the child is born to do it seems important. While still in labor you could put it on so a quick touch up is all that is needed after your bundle of joy has arrived. I didn’t have any pain meds so if she had an epidural— there would be plenty of time before pushing started.

voodoo66 5

that i wouldn't know, i did have a gf who spent two hours in the mornings getting ready, i assumed it's a girl thing

wysegirl 24

Hopefully she learns her priorities. If makeup means more than her child she needs to give the kid up for adoption so the child can know love and not be on the back burner.

oldfart3 2

she sounds like a. total bitch.

tounces7 27

Great, his mother is a complete and utter narcissist. I'm sure that kid will wish he was adopted out.

wysegirl 24

So who raised her that way? I feel sorry for the baby more than anything else.

Sady_Ct 37

This is actually more common than you think. There is some movement about mothers of new norms being beautiful in first photos with baby rather than worn out and exhausted looking. I kind of get not wanting to look sick in those first precious photos, but at the same time I could never do that to my child.

CA91 9

This is more of a 'his life sucks'... especially as he'd only just been born. Poor little guy

Surely, he'll be glad that as a sort of newborn, he got his picture with his glamorous mom and not with some pasty hag with stringy sweaty hair. How's she going to be a MILF if she gets off to such a bad start?

That’s what happens when they have kids at 16