By Anon - 28/04/2016 20:27 - United States - Henderson

Today, I went on a first date with my crush. Turns out we only have one thing in common: we would both bang Hillary Clinton. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 182
You deserved it 4 627

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Then there's only one thing to do... Threesome with Hillary Clinton.

Of course this was posted where I live, why am I not surprised.


Then there's only one thing to do... Threesome with Hillary Clinton.

That could also be considered two things.

Invite Bill and have an orgy, you know he'd be down.

commanderinkush 3

Hey and while we're at it go ahead and invite Monica too

Of course this was posted where I live, why am I not surprised.

Maybe they were playing a game of f*ck, marry, kill. I don't know how else that would come up.

How does that even come up in a conversation

"Haha, you're hilarious! Which reminds me! I'd bang Hilary".

I'd be more ashamed that I would bang her. She is not even remotely cute at all.

That's your opinion, but everyone's allowed to have their choice in whatever they want without feeling like they're being chastised as long as the receiving end is of age.

That's right, 23, and the rest of us are allowed to have an opinion on it, regardless of whether or not it's supportive. Clinton is a nasty piece in more ways than one, and I can only imagine she'd be even nastier in the bedroom… and not in the good way.

Shes not cute but shes also a murderous, lying thieving piece of shit with an unbelievable god-complex.

It's sad but it seems that you Americans are about to get butt banged by Hillary for at least the next four years.

I banged Hillary Clinton once... Now it Berns down there.

Guess you need to Cruz to the sexual health clinic !

Burton_Forever 23

Y'all should just go ahead and cut to having kids and marriage don't worry about getting to know one another... Hell you won't find anyone else that would do that nasty deed.. Not even Bill wants to!