By Tyto - 03/03/2017 14:00 - United States - Lewes

Today, I learned that the only reason my girlfriend stayed with me is because I drove us to school every morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 923
You deserved it 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks man that girl is a bitch she should get her own car not waste your time

That's fine.... if every other week she pays to fill it up...


That really sucks man that girl is a bitch she should get her own car not waste your time

verenos 1

That's fine.... if every other week she pays to fill it up...

I was going to say that he should then send the bill to her for all the gas he used/wasted on her and also charge her for mileage!

That's messed up. I can't imagine having to put in the effort of a full relationship just for a ride every day. She must really hate the bus to fake an entire relationship.

As long is " acted" ie sex, like a girlfriend then it says she more about her then. you.

ashilyy24 8

Who hates riding the bus that much?

jcash52426 5

Did you get some occasional sex? If so, you came out even.