Funny to him

By Binkplugged - 05/07/2016 18:01

Today, I woke up to my husband chuckling. When I asked him what was so funny. He told me that during the night I attempted to shove one of the kids' pacifiers in his mouth. I don't remember this, at all. He thinks it's hysterical. I'm not sure what to think. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 956
You deserved it 1 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pacifiers for everyone! Tonight maybe you'll unconsciously mutter "Here comes the airplane!" and try to feed your husband with an empty hand.


You subconsciously think your husband is a big baby.

ericanicole1 12

I think she is unconsciously trying to tell you to stop crying in your sleep. There is no bogeyman under your bed. She checked twice, remember?

Yes, I realize that. I was acting as if I was talking to her husband. I guess I didn't get that across very well.

I got it NYM88 :-) and I thought it was great ;-)

Thanks! I guess I should have said it more like this: You should really tell him he needs to stop crying in his sleep and remind him you checked under the bed twice for monsters. But, hey. A little too late, I guess.

Pacifiers for everyone! Tonight maybe you'll unconsciously mutter "Here comes the airplane!" and try to feed your husband with an empty hand.

If this is the biggest thing to say FML about your life is going pretty damn good

Just laugh it off, you're a mother, just unconscious instinct.

I hate to be that guy but the punctuation in this FML is killing me. It seems to be the bigger issue than sleep silliness.

I read it like old morse code. Today I woke up to my husband chuckling STOP When I asked him what was so funny STOP

I only found one punctuation mistake. She should have put a comma after she asked her husband what he was laughing at. Unfortunately she used a period. She probably used a comma and it autocorrected it.

blackrose1996 11

Must have been snoring and you were dreaming of the baby crying lol

I don't see how this is a big deal. I think I would just laugh if it were me.

Hush little hubby don't say a word....