Let 'em in

By sister_woes - 09/10/2010 06:36 - United States

Today, I didn't have my key, so my sister told me to call her to let me in. I called, no answer. I waited for 15 minutes and then called my dad complaining about her, still being outside. She popped her out the window and yelled, "Don't talk about me, bitch!" and wouldn't open the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 087
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I mean, locking someone out for a joke is only funny for a few minutes. By the point you've had to ring someone else to have her leant out and be bitchy, it's gone way beyond a joke. I'd recommend payback, but she seems like the type of girl who'd be able to land you in it by exaggerating it and making you seem like the bad guy.

sam_08_fml 0

Then bitch slap the shit outta her 


1, nobody cares. OP, your sister is a jerk/the best. lol Betcha can't wait til she has kids.

the only case when being first is important, is when you bang someone ;)

darlinqqbella 0

LMAO, "Don't talk about me, Bitch!" (:

steelersjackson 0

I have only one thing to say to that. Gotta keep that pimp hand strong and slap a bitch!!!!

zerobahamut03 2

lol, oh no you couldn't get into your own house...so then you proceeded to call your dad and cry about it. seriously it's not a big deal.

KingDingALing 9

29- If you see that the first comment is moderated, the person most likely said "first!" Those people are dumbass'... -_- 32- Have you ever been locked out of your house? It really is a big deal. Especially if it is extremely hot or freezing cold outside.

KingDing- OP is from Hawaii, so I can almost guarantee that it was 82 degrees and sunny. Hardly anything to complain about.

I break in to my own house all the time you can too. Just open a window or find a unlocked door. Or get a big rock....

Krajjan 9

When one door closes, sometimes life cracks a window. So you can climb inside and kill the bitch that locked the damn door.

"She popped her * out the window..." * = Head? I think you left out a word.

KingDingALing 9

34- It's not like that everywhere and I doubt that it's like that everyday. #32 thinks that it's not a big deal to be locked out of your house, but it would be a big deal if the weather was bad.

Wotah a bitch of a sister! smack her one

Siblings will do that. Just get her back while she's sleeping!

flashback.miss 28

lol sounda a bit like my sister, OP :p get a subtle revenge ifyou have to.. but domnt let your attitude ruin your own mood/outllok. thats basically what a friend told me :) or just call a family meeting or something maybe something was buggin your sister... how often is she like that?

breenarae25 0

hey !! I'm frm Hawaii too! I live on the big island in kona, where do u live op?

well maybe she should be talking about her

sam_08_fml 0

Then bitch slap the shit outta her 

bobbymullet 11

Break a window, climb in, and give her a strong slap across the face. Then lock her out. Wreck the entire place, then get help from people to load your parents camera with what look like pictures of a party. Leave out the back door and come back a while after your parents should be home. Say you gave up and left. Laugh as she's grounded for a month+

I believe the correct term is "slap the Bitch out of her"

She deserves a big punch in the head that's all

Paramorefan2 1

You forgot head! Idiot! YDI for being a snitch!

Wow, I mean, locking someone out for a joke is only funny for a few minutes. By the point you've had to ring someone else to have her leant out and be bitchy, it's gone way beyond a joke. I'd recommend payback, but she seems like the type of girl who'd be able to land you in it by exaggerating it and making you seem like the bad guy.

true. then she'll hover over your bed at night with a knife in her hand

iliveinthesky_fml 0

well ring the doorbell nonstop until she answers or idk....stay locked outside...lol

I would lock my sister up. Your the big one, earn the respect. If that doesnt work, land one in the middle of her eyes. Or two.