By OperaLover - 12/09/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, I learned that the building I just moved into contains both a drummer and an opera singer. Both are very dedicated to their craft, and practice frequently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 131
You deserved it 3 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flamerocker 9

Together? Sounds like a sick band! :D

nero9112 4


Its not a opera singer, it's just another neighbor complaining and shouting about the noise from the drummer.. I'm a drummer, and I practice out on the countryside away from any neighbors, I hate loud noises in the building where I live.

You don't ask about the neighbors before you move in? Bet you learned a lesson!! Enjoy the music!!

sounds like a pretty unique style of music!

If they practice at the same time sell tickets for a local Rock Opera production.

How close will you be living with them? How close are the drummer and opera singer? Hope you are not next door to one of them.

Being a musician, I see no reason to sympathize with OP. Suck it up, buttercup!

HentaiBunny 4

Dedicated to their craft and practice frequently.. Claim your title as the neighborhood masturbator for the next FML!

missmady 0

start having obnoxiously loud sex while they're trying to sleep.