By OperaLover - 12/09/2011 19:00 - United States

Today, I learned that the building I just moved into contains both a drummer and an opera singer. Both are very dedicated to their craft, and practice frequently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 131
You deserved it 3 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flamerocker 9

Together? Sounds like a sick band! :D

nero9112 4


practice your masturbation frequently and just as loud

The good, you have people doing what they love singing and playing the band in your building. The bad, those two have to live in a building with a douchebag. Suck it up!

Sounds like you should pick up an instrument. Jam that shit out!

Hey your username is OperaLover so unless you hate hearing the drums you should be happy!

perdix 29

Take up Tuvan throat singing, you'll creep everyone else out.

apndi 9

I had to look that up on youtube. Oh my God, so ******* hilarious.

Madiluvsyuh98 2

Get a guitar and start a band with them, problem solved!

apndi 9

I love the way this FML was worded :P

Dont agnate against people of the arts bruh