By bl3ur0z3 - 03/09/2018 22:00

Today, I learned that my new apartment complex does not allow "altercations in community areas". This includes pulling my child out of the pool and reprimanding him for holding his cousin under water. I can't parent outside my apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 072
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

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It's not an altercation. It's called discipline.

worth it. he could have killed or hurt his cousin. stopping him doing that is well worth it. well done


worth it. he could have killed or hurt his cousin. stopping him doing that is well worth it. well done

It's not an altercation. It's called discipline.

Mathalamus 24

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julfunky 29

No. If your child holds another child under water you do what you have to do right then and there.

Mathalamus 24

But you can't, it's apparently against the rules somehow,, so you follow the rules...

So you let the other kid drown then punish your kid for it in the apartment? Pretty sure that could get you arrested.

tarabella 7

Congrats. Your child is a psychopath. Also you live in a very strange place where attempted murder is allowed but teaching your kid right from wrong is not.

These days you cant even discipline a child anywhere, its boarder line "child abuse". Smh

Then you tell them to go look up what the definition of altercation is, because that's discipline not a verbal or physical argument 🙄😐

Wouldn't that PREVENTING an altercation? You were scolding your son for doing something that could put someone's life in danger. I'd put in a complaint about such a nonsense rule.

maybe they meant the altercation between your child and cousin??? I doubt staff would reprimand you for stopping him.

schmidticus 4

You should parent the apartment staff and spank them for being stupid. It seems like they need it.

Fill the pool with concrete, and when they demand answers, reply with, "Well, I can't discipline my children for trying to drown each other, so I removed the drowning hazard."