By Labelme - 02/01/2010 08:26 - United States

Today, I learned that instead of discarding expired products at my work, we change the label to make them 'expire' later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 200
You deserved it 2 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww! That sounds like that's illegal to do...

I say report them to whatever trading standards board you have in the US. That's illegal and if someone gets ill eating their food, they'll be able to sue. Big time.


Ewww! That sounds like that's illegal to do...

killerviral 0

looking like a fool wit ya pants on da ground

tinkerbell1357 0
Macromartyr 3

Sounds like Mcdonalds, they do it to their salads! (I worked there :P)

cutiepie31296 0

ewww im never going to mcdonalds again

renaet 0

I'd say FTCL. (**** the customer's lives)

I say report them to whatever trading standards board you have in the US. That's illegal and if someone gets ill eating their food, they'll be able to sue. Big time.

Yeah, this is going to end up costing them more than they would have lost changing the labels...

Most places do that... welcome to the real world.

Have you EVER worked anywhere that serves food? I've had various part-time jobs in places which serve food in various countries, and they all do this.

She may be talking about a fast food place. High end restaurants are less likely to do this but it's seen a lot in fast food. I worked at my town's local Taco Bell for three years while I was in high school & we used to do this all the time on sour cream, beans, meat. We had different colored stickers that indicated the length of time they could sit out/be served & when that time was up we would just replace their stickers with the next color giving us three more hours. We would keep doing this until the product was use. It was mostly as a precaution if the company owner ever stopped by he would think that the product had just been placed out when really it should have been disposed of hours ago. I'm not saying it's a good practice and yes it's disgusting but it DOES happen!

i worked for pizza hut and this never happened, and my brother worked for a grocery store until he got fired for eating a sandwich that was going to be thrown out because it had expired. i strongly suspect incidents like this are on the franchise level, not the chain level, and would seriously report that to a health and safety inspector. expiration dates exist for a reason.

Are you telling me that if you buy some sour cream and it sits in your fridge for over three hours you would throw it out?

renaet 0

Christ falsesanity. Are you serious? Have you never worked in fast food? The workers don't go back and forth to the refrigerator to get product that they use on every person's food. They put them on the counter and put stickers on those products that give certain amount of hours that the food should be good for. If sour cream sits more than 3 hours on a COUNTER at room temperature, which it is not inside the kitchen, then hell yeah I would throw it out.

Ha ha, nice but in most places I go to they have refrigerated tables they keep all there product in. Or for that matter warmers they keep the heated products in. It's pretty much standard in most places, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Quiznos, Wendys, Jimmy Johns, Taco Bell, Qudoba, Five guys (my personal Favorite), all use refrigerated tables. So yes, I was a little serious there Renaet. I do agree though with the basis of your statement, but my point was that most food places have much more strict time limits on products than what is needed or deemed necessary by State health codes.

No kidding. Most places do NOT do that because they don't want to deal with the backlash of shit if someone gets food poisoning at their restaurant. OP, where do you work so we all know to avoid this place.