By Labelme - 02/01/2010 08:26 - United States

Today, I learned that instead of discarding expired products at my work, we change the label to make them 'expire' later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 196
You deserved it 2 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ewww! That sounds like that's illegal to do...

I say report them to whatever trading standards board you have in the US. That's illegal and if someone gets ill eating their food, they'll be able to sue. Big time.


Definitely not a secret by any means.

We did that at Taco bell... Cause, really Cheese stays good for months, it does not expire in 6 hours. And neither does lettuce, tomatoes, etc....

_sourpatchkid 0

when my mother was young she worked as a waitress at a well-known chain restaurant. she was fired for advising a client against eating the cheesecake after she witnessed the manager scraping mold off of it.

perfectwinds 0

Now THAT is just nasty. >.< That manager should have been fired, not her! I totally would have sued for wrongful termination, because ewww.

I can almost guarantee everyone freaking out has never worked in a restaurant! Ive worked in crappy to high end restaurants and this happens everywhere, primarily because health & safety laws are over the top....e.g. I currently work in a pretty high end place and we're required to throw away mustard etc after 2 days even though its kept in a we too change the date stickers to make it expire later! No restaurant would actually do this with high risk foods...but you're not gonna die/vomit/get diarrahoea from mustard thats been open 2 days!....

jennbug_85 0

Actually, Im a manager at a very well known worldwide pizza company... which shall remain nameless, and I know for a fact that all of our stores in our entire county redate almost everything, everyday. Its cheaper for them this way. Very disgusting.. but what can you do.

don't do that too many times with the same food. If it tastes off then trash it!!

In the food industry things do not last long, most places prep food daily and try not to make too much. Sometimes your predictions are higher than planned but to think any of these things are getting redated for weeks is a little far fetched. And if they are I would have to say redating foods is the least of the places concerns.

Wow, that's incredibly illegal. And disgusting. Would that I knew where you worked, so I could avoid it.

I love all of these comments saying how this is illegal, because well... No it is not. If you want to avoid eating foods that have been redated I suggest starting up a Farm and raising and growing all your own food.

Completely, most places have much stricter policies than state health code. If a store tells me something is good for 1 day and the State Health code tells me it is good for 7 days and I change a label to give it one more day for a total of 2 days... I am still well within health code and completely on the legal side. I might get in trouble with work for not following company policy but there is nothing illegal going on. In this economy stores can not afford to be wasteful and if you can find a happy medium while still following your state laws and putting up the illusion that you are also following your corporate policies I do not see a problem. It's legal and perfectly safe.