By Anonymous - 19/06/2019 06:26

Today, I was driving behind a tall truck when it drove through some overhanging branches. Suddenly, a huge branch fell on top of my car, leaving it scratched all over and with several dents in the roof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 704
You deserved it 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's always a bad idea to tailgate a truck..

You should follow the truck until it stops and ask the driver to pay for the damage. Truckers are highly-paid professionals and are happy to be accountable for the damage they cause to the drivers they share the roads with.


You should follow the truck until it stops and ask the driver to pay for the damage. Truckers are highly-paid professionals and are happy to be accountable for the damage they cause to the drivers they share the roads with.

It's always a bad idea to tailgate a truck..

Truck_Mudding322 0

Don't tailgate us then dumbass, Ever heard of following distance?

YDI! Stop tail gaiting. You're lucky it wasn't worse.