By slickboy0023 - 16/03/2010 15:30 - United States

Today, I learned that in Japan there are monkeys that wait tables and work at a tavern. Literally, I have a job a monkey can do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 907
You deserved it 5 620

Same thing different taste


RKftw 0

does getting fecal matter thrown at someone cost extra or do you do that for free?

mjolene 0

@ ilovedrugs - I love drugs too. and sex. yep, that's about it.

bugmenotmofo 34

OP is a Cracked reader... i think my other comment disappeared... hmmm...

I'm a server and I LOVE my job. Its mindless but tons of money. I'm a college dropout and plan on going back, but for the time being I make as much or more as my college grad friends.

chadb1520 0

lol bob and Tom had that on there show

dude... that's one KICKASS monkey, or, many kickass monkeys I guess, since there were many of them...aaanyways... that's pretty damn cool :D

joangar 0

well what do you expect, youre a waiter.

zachhasse 0

do you know how to spank your monkey

Meathook 0

I see you too read