By slickboy0023 - 16/03/2010 15:30 - United States

Today, I learned that in Japan there are monkeys that wait tables and work at a tavern. Literally, I have a job a monkey can do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 907
You deserved it 5 620

Same thing different taste



redbeater 5

Well Japan is a ducked up place. That makes me glad I don't live there.

kawaii_baka 0

Japan is a good place to live in -.- I like it.

While that may be true, I am sure you blow better than they do.

STFU and bring me another beer, bitch.

imakeubleed 0

I thought they ate monkeys in japan. along with mercury laden dolphins and illegally killed whales??? hmmm

brandothemando 0

DUHhhh! all Asian things are smart!