By avanti - 24/04/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I was studying for a midterm, so I put my computer on the side of my desk to make more room for my books. My roommate came in while I wasn't paying attention and tackle-hugged me from behind - I fell over, knocking my computer out the window. I live on the 8th floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 657
You deserved it 7 935

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't know about anyone else, but I would never ever put something as valuable as a laptop next to an open window... That's just asking for an accident to happen.


Gumblebum100 0

ya lol it was probably a sign saying "dude get a new laptop it's way better than the crap you have now"

It bytes! Or maybe it was a smashing good time! That's enough bad puns for one day. Sorry.

lol funny, but I would punt my roommate out the window after it if that happened to me.

Suuuucks for you mate. How random is that? Tell him to get you a new one (for your birthday ha) Besides shouldn't you put your computer in a better place than by a window with idiots?

actually thats a point. there arent any screens on the windows at my school...

poolshark 0

The 'glass half full' outlook: Be glad it didn't kill someone- death by laptop bludgeoning is no way to go.

Don't know about anyone else, but I would never ever put something as valuable as a laptop next to an open window... That's just asking for an accident to happen.

Agreed #9. That doesn't make a lot of sense.