
By Anonymous - 31/08/2022 06:00

Today, my boyfriend has never gotten along with my dad, but this afternoon during what I thought was a completely normal conversation, he just stood up, yelled he couldn’t take my dad anymore, punched him in the nose, dumped me, and drove away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 206
You deserved it 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I’m curious as to your ex-boyfriend’s side of the story now, because I sincerely doubt this sort of thing just comes out of nowhere.

What was the topic of the conversation. Was it something that made him uncomfortable?


"Let's go, Brandon" may sound like an ordinary conversation, but it can be very incendiary.

What was the topic of the conversation. Was it something that made him uncomfortable?

I’m curious as to your ex-boyfriend’s side of the story now, because I sincerely doubt this sort of thing just comes out of nowhere.

If they have never gotten along, then why was the boyfriend there? Your partner shouldn't ruin your relationship with parents, but they shouldn't have to be forced to spend time together either. Dad is Your family, you and boyfriend tried to build your own family which does not include your parents or his parents. When and if you have kids they will probably most likely be part of your parents and his parents lives, but that doesn't mean nobody grows up disliking them. Family cannot be forced, you either get along or don't, but don't make it toxic either. My dad took one look at my man and said no, then left. That was it, no hard feelings. He is an alcoholic and my man is teetotal.

What are you talking about? Building a separate family with a boyfriend? They aren't married. What kind of psycho thinks a boyfriend or girlfriend is supposed to be working on a family?

Well, usually people dating each other do it for.the future. Like you know build a relationship, see if it works, then get engaged and married and have their own family. It is natural way of life for kids to leave their first family home, to build their own, while visiting their parents. It's guide normal not to get along with everyone, some people like their boundaries others choose not to entertain at all. Ever heard of you have nothing nice to say don't say it at all, same.goes with relationships. If they don't add anything to you, then don't force them.