By tracelee - 03/03/2009 09:22 - United States

Today, I hit a parked car. I was walking. To make the scene more embarrassing, the car alarm shocked me and I backed up quickly into the parking meter, knocking me down once more. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 525
You deserved it 13 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Serious coordination fail, but I wouldn't say life fukkery.

boy am I sorry I missed seeing that one


Serious coordination fail, but I wouldn't say life fukkery.

im calling fake. I have a already read this fml, except the wording is different. try and think of something original, geez

boy am I sorry I missed seeing that one

Xinxinix 0

Oh wow, a little bit of a klutz are we? Although, i think you just have bad luck.

Lawyers call that a hostile work environment.

Oh you silly billy, sounds like something that might happen to me. Being clumsy sucks, I have fists of ham.

Got_Your_Nose 0

That is something I would do. I feel your pain.

alwaysalady 0

it physically shocked you or it surprised you? Cuz if it actually shocked you i want to know where you get those alarms

Having one of those days, eh? We all have them, and they suck. Don't feel too bad.