By cuppycakeslove - 07/12/2011 11:35 - United States

Today, I had to sit through chemistry class watching the kid in front of me slowly peel off the scabs on his arms, examine them, and then eat them. For an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 314
You deserved it 3 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could have not paid attention to him, and actually learn something?

RedPillSucks 31

throw up on his back. That'll teach him.


ArielTheMermaid 17
BellaMarta 19

Oh god... why would someone eat a scab??

bubo_fml 10

Like Goldmember, did he turn around & offer you a "schmoke & a pancake?"

BigSlingin 0
PoisonGirlInc 0

I just threw up In my mouth a lil bit

Ewwww haha that's so should change seats next time

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

Him my chem class, I felt my gum right under my lab table. It was my friend Alex's that she stuck there when she was done with it.