By cuppycakeslove - 07/12/2011 11:35 - United States

Today, I had to sit through chemistry class watching the kid in front of me slowly peel off the scabs on his arms, examine them, and then eat them. For an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 314
You deserved it 3 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You could have not paid attention to him, and actually learn something?

RedPillSucks 31

throw up on his back. That'll teach him.


He's gotten the taste of human flesh!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jimjoe0524 1

Omg was his name Greg.? Haha this kid I went to school with had bad exema and would scratch himself til he bled and then when it would dry he would pick it off and eat it. It was so gross he had no friends lol

This reminds me off a kid I went to high school with. He used to pick his scabs and these sits he had all over his arm and then eat them. He'd also go to the back of the classroom during our free work time and lay on the floor. He was a big boy too. You can't help but get distracted by that sort of stuff.

These zits* stupid auto correct. Sorry guys. :/

fernclogger 5

You should've made a scene to embarrass him so he would stop.

... *gags* I am so sorry, OP. I know how you feel...

Eek that's just nasty - sick and nasty.