"Now, I ain't sayin' she a gold digger…"

By Anonymous - 27/05/2020 20:00

Today, my wife wants a divorce. Apparently, she only married me for my potential, since my twin brother is a lawyer, she hoped I’d become a success as well, but since I’m content to be a carpenter, she considers me a disappointment and a failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 372
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Amanda Howard 9

please I hope you guys have a pre up or hire your brother as a lawyer

You'd better get rid of that gold digger asap


Amanda Howard 9

please I hope you guys have a pre up or hire your brother as a lawyer

You'd better get rid of that gold digger asap

BigSissy 14

I don’t really think that’s an issue as she is already getting rid of him.

She should have married your brother and ****** you on the side. Rookie mistake.

The rookie mistake is that he married to her.

dannyhomey 2

**** that bitch if she doesn’t want you you shouldn’t she’s a tear for her

galvinizd 7
Jennij717 4

I would take a carpenter over a lawyer any day

FadedShield 5

Legend has it they call this race a "Gold Digger" and they originated from some planet called Pluto for lack of potential.

Pluto is not a planet. Just a dwarf planet.

tounces7 27

Was it not obvious what sort of job you were going into early on in your marriage? I mean, I'm sure she can rub those two brain cells of hers together and figure out that if you aren't going to law school, you aren't planning to be a lawyer...

ftpallday666 16

Then she doesn’t deserve you and you will be so much happier in a few months, either alone or with someone new. Keep it up mate. You deserve so much better. Someone will love you for you.

That's ridiculous of her. There's nothing wrong with being a carpenter.