By Alex - 13/05/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, I had to run a mile in gym class for fitness training. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to run the stretch, you have to re-take it. My time was 10:02. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 060
You deserved it 20 404

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it took you 10 min to run a mile? that's a long time

iAmScrubs 19

At least you weren't 10 minutes and 1 millisecond.


Jsalcedo23 0

not trying to back on you, but 10 mins is a long time to run a mile. I bet you can speed walk it in 10

everyone can run a mile in under ten minutes. how tall you are has little to actually do with it. it's a matter of effort....period. when I was in high school running a mile and a half in twelve minutes damn near killed me. but after working at for a SHORT while and a LITTLE bit of effort I can now run three miles in 19 minutes flat. all I am hearing are excuses. a person 's ability is only limited by the amount of effort they put out and how driven they are.

jackiemoonthepro 5

hahaha I can do it in less than 5 minutes

u can't run a mile in less than 10 minutes??? I know 1st graders that can run that in 8.

HayHayMoose 0

uhmm.. it only takes me 7 minutes?

are you serious, the mile isn't even that bad

gem100197 0

rlly? i finished the mile run in 9 minutes and i am the unhealthiest laziest runner ever! id understand if you had an injury or asthma or something but if u dont...theres rlly no reason not to run it under ten min

ohwhaddupzeus 0

you people are disillusion. go try and run a mile in the time you said you can. i dare you

269- you're right how dare some one be held to some sort of standard. A majority of America is obese as is let's keep lowering the bar until we are all at risk for a heart attack or diabetes. Why challenge any one to strive for better? now before you try and rip me apart as an asshole. I am sympathetic to your friend from high school. but there is a big difference, she tried.... that is what matters and if she kept running she would be able to achieve that time. I am just sick of hearing people making excuses for why they can't do something because of laziness and then demand the rest of us change to accommodate their lack of interest in life.

joa76 3

288--Hey, did you know there's absolutely no connection between being obese and being able to run a mile in under 10 minutes? For example, I am very very very far from obese (if I lost 10 pounds I'd be underweight), but it's debatable if I would even have the stamina to run a mile at all. My mom, in the other hand, is overweight and a runner (don't know her times, but definitely less than 10 minutes, probably 6 or 7, but I'm guessing...she rarely only runs a mile, she prefers distance running). And also, what right do you have to care how fast someone runs, unless you're a track coach and the people you're judging are your team?

gem100197 0

@ 282 i did run the mile in that time, i pushed for it and i got it its rlly not that hard i know pple who can run it in 8 min or 7 min hello, heard of a track team?

I have seen someone run a two mile in less than 10 minutes and that's twice the distance you must be a fat ass to have ran that slow

yeh bru. track teams great. i think the FML commenters track team would kick my teams ass on aggregate though... what with all the amazing times ive seen so far. some of you seem like your training for rio and all