By knowtoomuch - 22/05/2013 00:10 - United States - Aurora

Today, I had to go with my mom to the gynecologist to translate due to her broken English. As we were filling out papers and answering questions, the doctor asked some very personal questions. I now know everything about my mom's sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 145
You deserved it 6 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She was probably just as embarrassed.

These are the kind of things that stay with you for the rest of your life. Sorry you had to hear that OP


and that's why, in the UK, we try and provide people with an independent interpreter so that kids (of variable ages) don't have to listen about their mothers' vaginas.

Many American clinics do the same, but OP's mom might speak an uncommon language, making it hard to find an interpreter. Or she just asked OP to come along because she would be more comfortable with her child translating.

I'm sure that her doctor ask some of those questions just so he could get a good laugh later on.

Scynistr 20

I'm not sure about where you live.. But most doctors offices / ER's out where I live has a list of languages on a sign you can pick from for them to call their own translator.. Anyway.. That sucks op.. Some things just can't be unlearned.

Their is nothing more terrifying than crossing over into our parents sexual life, i feel your pain OP

peanutfoo 19

You thought nothing could go wrong?! But seriously, FYL

Yoda last part of your sentence it was

I would not wish that fate on the worst of my enemies.

No, not at all. You need to reread it

Haha I'm sorry, OP. Unfortunately, my mom is too close to me and tells me too-personal things as well and English is her language... I can relate.

Like what can be seen cannot be unseen...this case is what can be heard cannot be unheard...