By m0m - 04/03/2016 14:01 - Belgium - Brasschaat

Today, I had to explain to my 27 year-old sister why a stainless steel fork isn't a good toy for my 8 month-old baby. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 045
You deserved it 1 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think your baby would be safer on it's own than with her.


Not necessarily. I'm childless and had to confiscate kabob skewers my sister had given my 2 year old niece to play with. The child was running around with a handful of pointy sticks, and her mother got mad at me for taking them away from her.

Your sister's a nut. That's all I can say on that.

Just because she doesn't have kids doesn't mean she shouldn't have common sense.

I think your baby would be safer on it's own than with her.


OP didn't state what gender her infant is, you petty moron. Babies are obviously not items and Ramb0's choice of wording does not indicate how he views children. Stop trying to find reasons to attack people.

aliciousness116 16

You should purchase plastic cutlery to keep around at home. That'll keep your baby safe.

Mathalamus 24

for a certain definition of safe. sorry, but plastic utensils can still be dangerous to a baby.

she shouldn't have to get new cutlery because of her incompetent sister.if she thinks a fork is a toy, I wonder what else she will do.

Yeah that's not much better than metal cutlery. They make baby safe stuff for a reason, just stick with those.

Im guessing people don't know what sarcasm is.

EVERYTHING can be dangerous for a baby if not properly supervised. Most things are pretty OK if supervised. Even a fork if you make sure to keep the sharp ends securely in your hand, away from the baby. At eight months old the baby probably loves to bite on hard items. At that age they are pretty much constantly toothing.

Yeah, but no one gives a teething of baby a metal fork.

How could she not know you're only supposed to give sterling silver knives to babies? That's common knowledge.

This sounds like something I would do, in sight of my sister, to make sure she feels I am bad for babies. Then again I don't watch people's children for them, family included. Watch your own kid OP

yenze 18

Yea op how dare you let another person especially your sister around your baby.

So if there's an emergency and your the only one available would you not help your own family by watching their kids?

Short answer: no. Long answer: I live about 300 miles from my sister and her child, so it wouldn't really be a thing. I am not close with my sister and do not like her very much.

yenze 18

I am assuming not if she is willing to put a child in harms way just to prove a point

Wow you seem to be under the impression that just because you don't like kids that other people shouldn't let family members around their kids, do you not understand that other people have family members that like to hang out with their kids,

I hate possums. I think they're hideous. But if my sister had a pet possum, would I do something dangerous with it in her sight just to avoid pet sitting duties? No because that's ****** up and I have a soul.

Ok so by your logic because you're not close with your sister then no one else should be either?? I get the feeling your not close with your sister because of you, considering you would give her child a sharp object just to keep her away from you. You don't seem like a very pleasant person. I don't like kids either and I don't want to watch my sister's kids either but I would never be that heartless.

LostInTheZone11 29

You could use a little fear persuading to get your sister to listen. I remember reading about a young boy who fell out of a restaurant booth while holding a fork. It went up and out through his nose, but thankfully missed all the cartilage causing little blood.

Redgy22 26

I wonder what people used before plastic?

There was something called a "spoon and pusher." Basically, it was a cutlery set that included a spoon and something that looked a little like a miniature hoe. Children too young for knives and forks would push their pre-cut food onto the spoon so they could eat politely without hurting themselves.

Redgy22 26

That's a great response & thanks for the information. I genuinely like learning little things like that!

Let's hope she doesn't have kids yet

Redgy22 26

It was an honest question about history, so no need to be a sarcastic ass. I wouldn't think of giving a child a fork until they were older anyway. And by the way, I'm unable to have children for medical reasons so don't concerned yourself with my situation. Try not to be so judgemental of others. I sure you're not perfect either.

I was not replying to you, I was commenting on the FML -_-

Short answer: because a fork isn't a good toy, period.