By O0hdear - 27/08/2015 17:44 - United States - Humble

Today, I went to my fiance's cousin's wedding with him. I got drunk and danced like a stripper in front of his entire extended family, who I'd just met that day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 545
You deserved it 32 622

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you should not drink excessively, especially in front of people you are trying to impress. You can't control your drinking behaviour but you can control you drinking. Poor fiance, and poor people who had an idiot at their wedding.

DMA0712 22

First impressions always count.


DMA0712 22

First impressions always count.

A lil weird you're just meeting his extended family and you're his fiancé

Not really that weird. She probably already met the parents, maybe siblings and grandparents but no reason to really meet cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. until the opportunity comes around.

Wishes during your own wedding might get awkward :d

This is why you should not drink excessively, especially in front of people you are trying to impress. You can't control your drinking behaviour but you can control you drinking. Poor fiance, and poor people who had an idiot at their wedding.

Ahhhh shut your face. Have you considered the wedding was boring as ****?

Yes, because that is always a great reason to make an ass of yourself and potentially ruin someone else's special day. Not selfish at all...

Weddings generally are boring as ****, so either decline or suck it up and behave approximately.

If you hadn't drank to excess, this wouldn't have happened. I'm all for having a good time, but not when meeting my partner's family. YDI .

So when you meet your partner's parents, you don't want to have a good time?

#14 There is a difference between "having a good time" and getting so shit faced that you act like a complete idiot in front of your fiancé's relatives at their wedding.

#14: When I meet my future in laws, I will have a good time and not get shitfaced. There is no excuse to get that drunk.

shmoooopie 29

Pretty sure #14 was just joking

I was joking, but I came off as jerkish and rude. I meant that she said "I'm all for having a good time, but not when meeting my partner's family" which I took into a literal sense in "I don't want to have fun in front of my partner's family" instead of "I don't want to get drunk in front of my partner's family." Either way, I made a stupid joke and I accept the thumbs down.

This is a textbook example of why there is a YDI button on this site.

Why would you get drunk around people you just met? YDI...hopefully when you and your fiance are married you can look back and laugh at this.

Count your drinks and know your question YDI...