By Anonymous - 04/04/2012 07:51 - Australia - Perth

Today, I had to call the Australian Passport office to track my passport. Turns out they lost it in the mail. A week ago, I got my dream job as a flight attendant. Without a passport they won't accept me. I lost my dream job before I even started it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 499
You deserved it 2 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

Oh man that sucks!! Try to explain your situation to someone in charge and maybe they'll let you work?!

Can't you explain what happened to the airline that hired you? Shit happens and I'm sure they'll understand.


That sucks!! But you did get accepted, so when you have your passport and reapply there's a good chance they'll accept you again!

perdix 29

I've heard that stewardess (oops, flight attendant) is actually a terrible, demeaning, tedious job and you have to deal with rude, obnoxious passengers and horny crew members. Your lost passport may have preserved your illusion that "dream jobs" exist.

I think the 'horny crew members' is something some people would like to deal with ;) Not implying this is wat OP wants, just saying...

21- I'm sorry, but if I'm already attached, like hell I want to deal with some perverted, horny guy who wants nothing but my ass. Even if I'm not attached it's pretty annoying after a while. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

# 36: I'm not saying everybody wants the nuisance of horny crew members, but I do think there are people who apply for a job as air host(ess) because of it. It is after all glamorised in series and movies like Pan Am.

So is being a celebrity in any form yet how many everyday people do you see striving to become one? I realize some preteens and teens do it but after that age, there's rarely anyone striving for that.

Ever heard of Jersey Shore, The Only Way is Essex, Desperate Housewives of (fill in city), and the tons of other reality series that are currently on tv?

That's called a minor obstacle. You'll encounter several of them during life, if you sit and cry like a baby at the sight of a little one like that you wont get far.

makowiec 11

Amen. The same can be said for most fml's on here .s

Hmm pretty sure are ment to have a vaild passport BEFORE you apply to these types of jobs?!

That sucks, but you should get and keep a valid passport from the time you are of age to have one. It would have saved you from losing this job of you had one already.

Perhaps OP's passport expired.. That's how Australian passports work. And it takes a reapplication and new photos etc to get a new one. Most likely so the passport photo you were using as a kid isn't the one you're still using as a teen or adult. :)

Sweetheart they give you the option to pick it up yourself in person after seven days. With something as important as your passport that a potential career is depending on WHY would you not pick the option where you're as in control as possible? Sorry. Your fault.

Not to mention, why would they leave it until the last minute to chase it up? You can pay extra to have it done faster, and there's really no reason why this isn't their fault. It does suck for them though, because you still wouldn't really expect this to happen. Starting a new job there would be plenty of other crap they'd have on their mind. YDI but FYL :P

Your dream job is to be a flight attendant? They are basically waitresses on an airplane.

anarchistpunk 3

And you know what? Im sure OP knows that, so don't worry about it.

They get paid a lot more that waitresses and don't have to rely on tips as a means of income

I don't wanna sound mean but...... NO SHIT, people with an IQ of 10 could tell you that strait off.

Seriously? (don't read this, OP) Being a flight attendant seems supercool, you get to visit lots of countries, if you're a woman you can hang out with the handsome pilots. Plus, in thirty years, you'll get cancer from being to close to the UVlight of the sun, but that's a badass excuse for cancer.

We don't work off tips in Australia :) Tips are just extra on top of our pay rates. Tipping is not expected at all here like it is in the US. And I suppose the appeal of being an air hostess is to travel on the job, but in saying so I do know quite a few air hostesses and it is a hard job to have and still maintain a real life. Yes, you get to be in a lot of countries, but when you're there you mostly spend your time sleeping before your next flight! Especially when you're on cross timezone flights. You just spend your working months solid working and sleeping. Not as dreamy as it sounds :(

raquel1990 3

You have to contact the hiring department, explain your situation and they will let you either, reapply, move you to the next training class, or give you a specific time to reapply this happens all the time with flight attendants so don't worry