The mainframe had been haxored

By Anonymous - 18/02/2021 02:01

Today, I found out my email hasn't been working for 10 days. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but it just so happens that a position opened up for my dream job while this was happening. I would have gotten the job, but instead they gave it to someone I just finished training. FML
I agree, your life sucks 846
You deserved it 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I question my email app if I don't receive something after a single day. Heck, it's happened to me before and I've had to uninstall/reinstall for it to work again. Test your email daily by sending to yourself, especially if you're prospecting for promotions/new jobs. I'm sorry you missed out OP, you don't deserve it; try to be more aware of work related (Or even personal!) communication connections and don't be afraid to question IT if it isn't working! :)


Marcella1016 31

Something similar happened to me - I applied to a job and they emailed me for an interview, but gmail never sent me an effing notification. It just really sucks. BUT on a positive note, I ended up landing an even better job a couple months later that I love! With an amazing culture and great team and I couldn’t be happier. Like, I’m shocked at how great it worked out. You’ll find something even better, OP, and sorry that happened to you. Just keep searching and don’t let this situation get you down!

I question my email app if I don't receive something after a single day. Heck, it's happened to me before and I've had to uninstall/reinstall for it to work again. Test your email daily by sending to yourself, especially if you're prospecting for promotions/new jobs. I'm sorry you missed out OP, you don't deserve it; try to be more aware of work related (Or even personal!) communication connections and don't be afraid to question IT if it isn't working! :)

peterblack67 9

It took you 10 days to figure out it wasn't working??? ydi

mccuish 25

YDI. You should’ve been checking your work email daily.

So for 10 days you never wondered why you were getting no emails?

randybryant799 20

It took 10 days for you to realize? Maybe you didn't deserve the new job. Obviously you're a bit oblivious.