By bluefrisky - 29/09/2012 07:39 - Canada - Toronto

Today, we had movers come in to take all of our stuff as the final step to our move to the States. We have our flight scheduled for tomorrow evening. Thing is, they accidentally took my carry-on bag without my knowledge. In that carry-on there was a little something called a passport. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 068
You deserved it 3 390

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just explain to your significant other that they must go on their own, unpack and arrange all your stuff, finding your passport in the process and send it back so you can join them after all the unpacking is done. Good plan by the way. The "without my knowledge" part gives it a realistic spin.

Speaking for Canada, I guess we can keep you for a little while longer.


Well, that maybe why it's an FML. Way to waste your first comment buddy.

"I agree, your life sucks" there's a button for it so fecking use it!

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Maybe** it is it's own word. Fail correction ^

I am aware that maybe is a word my friend. But maybe wasn't correct right there but may be was.

LiterOfCola 16

You are correct 37! Dumb indeed.

Yeah, 25 is the 15-year-old who thinks he is an expert psychologist because he thinks it's interesting. Lol.

58: Not only is he young, cocky, and illiterate, his biggest mistake is in believing that psychology is a useful discipline. Wanna understand human behavior, buddy? I can think of at least four disciplines with better methodology than psychology. Of course, you may prefer to continue believing that this is the 1950s, when academia still believed psychology was cutting-edge. /rant over.

skyenoelle 15

When did he say that he was an expert psychologist? There's nothing wrong with studying psychology at age 15?

hopsinlove17 26

72- you're about three weeks behind dear. And trust me, he's an expert. *Winky face*. Don't argue with him or he'll go batshit crazy on you

Really? We have two people in a row who don't know how to use the "I agree, your life sucks" button.

HAHA What are the CHANCES? One person who was rushing to get first comment, and another who was rushing so hard that (s)he didn't even realize (s)he wouldn't be. I actually got a genuine laugh out of this.

I find it amusing that they both have an equal amount of thumbs down.

#20 - Because of you I have come to full realization of why people dislike comments like those. I just thought it was because they weren't helpful or being dumbasses. Apparently I had a brain fart and now fully realize that there is an actual button for it. xD But apparently people want you to know that they chose that button. So, thanks :)

winnerme123 8

Well guess that you are not moving to the states anytime soon.

HelloGuys 4

I hope you already have a job waiting for you here, or if you don't i hope you have a'lot of money. Good luck :P

RpiesSPIES 27

On the bright side, you're safe in Canada for the time being.

It was a sign. The FML should be: I'm moving to the states, FML

35: Personally, if I were the OP, I'd stay.

oh... that's not good :( well call and maybe you can get it.. orr you can just try and border jump

Not that hard, really. It's nothing like the southern border.

Which doesn't seem that protected anyway...

Canada/USA border. Longest UNPROTECTED border in the world.

Speaking for Canada, I guess we can keep you for a little while longer.

Oh no! I hope you'll somehow get it back. How long since they left? Maybe they're not too far away. Good luck OP!

mrz1177 11

Damn.. I feel sorry for you. Fyl

Just explain to your significant other that they must go on their own, unpack and arrange all your stuff, finding your passport in the process and send it back so you can join them after all the unpacking is done. Good plan by the way. The "without my knowledge" part gives it a realistic spin.

bach2121 13

Those morons! :( I'm sorry! Good Luck in "The States", you'll love it, I know I do!

If it was in with all the things to be moved it's an easy mistake!

CJ91516 11

Clarify what bags to take and make sure you don't hire idiots