By big steve - 11/02/2012 18:35 - United States

Today, I had to call AAA for the fifth time in two months. When the driver got out, I instantly recognized him. It was the same guy who helped me out all the previous occasions. When he saw me, he snorted and doubled over laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 844
You deserved it 6 246

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After five times I can't blame the man. Lol

Sounds like you two could be really good friends if this keeps happening(:


sweettpie129 11

That's like me with the doctors and nurses at the hospital!! #accidentproned

bizarre_ftw 21

Ask him out to lunch. You might as well get to know each other, you'll likely be hanging out Quite a bit more.

Mearemoi 14

Sounds like the start of a beautiful relationship!

zingline89 18

This is what you get when you spend $147 on a car.

Amber_1221 1

Are you sure you aren't finding reasons to keep calling them back cuz u think he is cute???

Maybe he is deeply infatuated and has a broken down car fetish... Just spitballin here

Looks like you're getting your money's worth!

What a rude AAA guy. When my parents were calling them constantly we got the best AAA employee ever. Such a cool guy. Sucks that you have to deal with rude people, OP.