Not a prank, bro!

By Anonymous - 23/09/2019 16:00

Today, I went for a run when my shin splints acted up, so I called my dad to have him come pick me up. When I saw his car approaching, I stuck out my thumb like a hitchhiker, as a joke. The car pulled over to give me a ride. It wasn't my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 264
You deserved it 837

Same thing different taste

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I guess it's nice that the carjacker stole your dad's car, but was thoughtful enough to complete his mission to get you. That ought to get him a lighter sentence.


I guess it's nice that the carjacker stole your dad's car, but was thoughtful enough to complete his mission to get you. That ought to get him a lighter sentence.

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WeirdUS 29

So you took a very real thing and applied it in a situation where people probably would not know you and your'e surprised ? Stupid.Let me guess you thought going Area 51 was a good idea as well?