By Eli - 20/09/2011 00:21 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By hatemebeforetheyevenhatch - 24/02/2015 00:08 - United Kingdom - Clydebank
By Anonymous - 01/09/2013 04:40 - Canada - Saint Albert
By Why - 18/12/2018 05:00
Criminal Minds
By Anonymous - 18/09/2019 00:01 - United States
By Liah12 - 05/03/2016 13:52 - United States - Holt
By Unemployed - 02/06/2011 04:40 - United States
By phlyingphuck - 19/07/2009 15:12 - United States
Trip Advisor says no
By crazycatwaiter - 22/06/2020 23:06
Good job
By An. - 11/01/2021 15:01 - United States - Denver
Wicked game
By Hellohaileyexoh - 27/08/2009 04:07 - United States
Top comments
Wow, they're dumb for doing that.
sounds like a.....CRUMMY day!
Sounds like... A STUPID pun
14- don't be so loaf-some
1 not the brightest people in the world.
22: maybe because the bread contained traces of nuts and OP specifically asked for food with absolutely no nuts or something
They just don't want people finding out about the allergens in their bread.
What idiots.
Yeah duh bread baskets are already free. What a stingy restaurant XD
2. Its clear that they're not idiots. They are in fact, a highly trained team of assassins trying to kill her. She's thwarted them now, but eventually, they'll get her with their trademark toxic bread!
Wtf? Did you smash the waiter's face into the basket?
I hope so.
She definitely will now.
Violence is not the answer! It's too messy and most of the evidence can lead straight to you. Obtain and release the ebola virus instead
Uh yeah
Hey look on the bright side. You got a free basket.
84-I just had to tell you how much of a win that was.
I don't get why people are hating on this comment. They are kind of harassing him. Like if you told a company you want to be compensated for having an allergic reaction to their bread, and in order to compensate they send you a coupon for more bread, they are just messing with you.
but why is it there fault your alergic to their bread?
And you should donate that free basket of bread to the hungry. You can start by giving it to me ;)
Should've left it at the first sentence
No, no that's a bad idea. Source: Life Experience.
Don't be stingy! Share it! Just because you can't eat it, doesn't mean someone else can't!

Wow, they're dumb for doing that.
What idiots.