Good job

By An. - 11/01/2021 15:01 - United States - Denver

Today, after a really bad day, I just wanted to order DoorDash. When my food came, I saw my burger had tomatoes in it, despite requesting no tomatoes. I’m deathly allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 054
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks. Call back the restaurant if you haven't already and tell them what happened, usually you can get a new meal sent over free

Wadlaen 23

Oh, that's bad!😮 Also, I'm wondering who pushes the 'You deserved it'-button on FMLs like this?🤔


That sucks. Call back the restaurant if you haven't already and tell them what happened, usually you can get a new meal sent over free

Wadlaen 23

Oh, that's bad!😮 Also, I'm wondering who pushes the 'You deserved it'-button on FMLs like this?🤔

tc201002 11

I’m wondering the same thing

Maybe if you tipped better, they wouldn't try to kill you.

Ah, Murica. you pay for the service while paying for the same service and employers aren't responsible to pay their workers livable wages.

sarahcroy20 12
Nhayaa 21

Tomatoes are juicy so it's too late, it's already all over the other ingredients.

Oh you’re allergic to peanuts but got a pb&j sandwich? Just scrape the peanut butter off! Stupid

ghostinflames 13

I'd have to agree with weeping willow. Tomatoes leave their mark on the sandwich just like pb or jam. Best give the sandwich to someone who isn't allergic.

the tomatoes have juices that seep into everything....taking them off doesn't even work for someone who just doesn't like the taste, much less someone who is ALLERGIC

Ambrily 27
sarahcroy20 12

ok. I was wrong. You cannot remove the tomatoes because there would still be juice.