By WonderWall09 - 08/05/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I had a terrible dream where my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex. I woke up almost crying and called him just to tell him how much he means to me. Turns out my dream gave him that little extra push he needed to confess he's been cheating on me. With his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 806
You deserved it 4 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok that really sucks. But hey, you sound like you deserve someone better then a jerk like him.

That's not an FML, you just found out you're psychic! Grats!


FYL, but surely there's a reason he has been cheating. Or he's just a hoe. Either way, FYL. I'm sorry that you have been with such a douche for whatever amount of time. ):

Everything happens for a reason. :] I hope you find someone who truly deserves you.

xbox_playa 0
itman3456 0
jamesemmymaslow 2

#132's irrelevance made me laugh XD

zion55555 0

the same thing happened to me over n over, hes 18 n im 16 im obviously more mature than he is but now he cheated on me with a 41yr old so FML

Perhaps the dream was your subconscious trying to tell you your bf was a little bit too close to his ex.

grimshady14 1

u can see the future be happy

Congratulations, you agree with yourself!

crazy..its like you subconsciencly know it but didnt wanna believe it..what a dumbass for actually stooping so low.