By Wally - 08/05/2009 15:20 - Canada

Today, I got to sleep in late for the first time in 3 years, as wife took our two young daughters out of town to visit with her parents. I told my mother that I was really looking forward to being able to sleep in this morning. The phone rang at 7:30. It was my mother asking me how I slept. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 346
You deserved it 5 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, screw that bitch. I'd call her ass up at 5:00 Am or something and ask how she slept

TheZephyrSon 3

Wow...Your mother has a nasty sense of humor...


TheZephyrSon 3

Wow...Your mother has a nasty sense of humor...

Yeah, screw that bitch. I'd call her ass up at 5:00 Am or something and ask how she slept

hahahah that's hilarious. I am gunna do that (:

noobgang7 5

then he wouldn't get to sleep in either...

7:30 at night? Wow that's a crazy long lie in dude

Sorry dude! Next time switch off all phones!

couragewolf9001 0
FBIWarning 0

So why did we tell our mother that we got to sleep in? YDI for telling her that...

Yeah, what crazy person talks to their parents and tells them what's going on? That's just nuts.

YDI... If you seriously haven't slept in for 3 YEARS.. you would have made a freakin' event out of it & taken precautions before hand. ie: turn of your phone ringers, etc.... douche lol

metro_mello 0

Really this person is a douche just because they have trouble sleeping? What ar you ******* five? Youre the ******* douche. Being sleep deprived no one can help it. I have had insomnia my whole life so if anyone knows anything about being sleep deprived its ME. This dude deserved his sleep and his mother woke him up at 7:30 am ALso mabye he just works a lot. he can't help what times he works. Either your a ******* dumb ass idiot or your five years old. My guess goes with option A :) Yes i am a bitch But only because I am pmsing At least I am not stupid and a bitch like you though.

XskiezX 0

he's obviously not sleep deprived?