By WonderWall09 - 08/05/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I had a terrible dream where my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex. I woke up almost crying and called him just to tell him how much he means to me. Turns out my dream gave him that little extra push he needed to confess he's been cheating on me. With his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 806
You deserved it 4 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok that really sucks. But hey, you sound like you deserve someone better then a jerk like him.

That's not an FML, you just found out you're psychic! Grats!


That's cruel. But hey, I'm sure you'll find someone better than him. And his ex is his ex for a reason right?

Aw... I'm so sorry. I would give you a hug if I could.... :(

BaBYjEsUs1239 0

at least it came out before he did it again

Dante167 0

How is this an FML? Youre a psychic! :O

dramakat11 0

Omg...I know a lot of people who have scarily accurate omens in their dreams. I have dreams that my bf is cheating on me all the time, but I really believe it's just paranoia.

honey_girl 0

im sorry girl! but i get dreams like that too, trust them... every single one of mine like that eventually happened. it's a warning.

i've had that happen to me before too!!! and then it really happened! they suck :( i think it's woman intuition!

DWdizzy 0

ooo! my ex girlfriend said we broke up and i was doing great with a hot blonde in a dream, while we were going out. i hope thats intuition!! :D (She dumped me for another guy btw, before you call me a slime ball)

dreamer_90 0

*gasp* i had a dream just like that last night! whoa. hope you're doing fine these days

No, this is good news. Now you can become a psychic, and work for the police. Plus, you'll get to sleep in, cuz u can "read" things in ur sleep. FYL I'm tired.………zzzzzzzzzzzZzzzZZZzzzZZzzzzzzzZzzz