By WonderWall09 - 08/05/2009 16:23 - United States

Today, I had a terrible dream where my boyfriend cheated on me with his ex. I woke up almost crying and called him just to tell him how much he means to me. Turns out my dream gave him that little extra push he needed to confess he's been cheating on me. With his ex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 810
You deserved it 4 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ok that really sucks. But hey, you sound like you deserve someone better then a jerk like him.

That's not an FML, you just found out you're psychic! Grats!


Ok that really sucks. But hey, you sound like you deserve someone better then a jerk like him.

at least you had the dream huh :D just being optimistic here.

OUCH! Thats just cruel! Glad the subconsious part of your brain was picking up on what you didnt!

Or that her boyfriend talks in his sleep, influencing her dreams.

As someone that used to have continuous nightmares about someone that hurt me in the past, even though what occurred in the dreams weren't reality, I know how much the dreams themselves hurt. I am so sorry that the dream ended up being true in your case. I hope things turn out better for you in the future; you deserve better.

That's not an FML, you just found out you're psychic! Grats!

FBIWarning 0

crack under pressure much?

Omg what a jerk. The wonders of the spiritual world giving you signs! All the best