By Glassless - 26/05/2017 20:00

Today, I lost my glasses. I don't have spares but my girlfriend said I could borrow hers. She doesn't understand why this won't work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 148
You deserved it 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TMO2142 25

Did you check under your bed or behind your dresser?

fearrhyno1 18

Maybe if you have two empty toilet paper rolls, you can McGyver yourself a freshly pair of stylish glasses. Use red and blue "lens" for added support


TMO2142 25

Did you check under your bed or behind your dresser?

timonedogdead 16

That should have been a pretty simple explanation

fearrhyno1 18

Maybe if you have two empty toilet paper rolls, you can McGyver yourself a freshly pair of stylish glasses. Use red and blue "lens" for added support

Wearing someone else's glasses is like trying to wear someone else's dentures. They're custom made for you and will only work for you.

Because boys can't wear girl glasses? Is that why?

Suaria 38

No. People have different prescriptions so trying to find someone with the same prescription is like finding a needle in a hay stack.

Ah, I see! For people with bad eyesight, it's hard to find a needle in a box of needles, not to mention a haystack!

Because boys can't wear girl glasses? Is that why?

species4872 19

It does depend upon what condition the glasses correct. You could get some improvement over not wearing any at all however it is still not a good idea unless you couldn't function without them.

Lobby_Bee 17

Without her glasses, she couldn't see why it wouldn't work on you.

Sometimes it works better than not being able to see anything. At least for a short while.