By Zit-Blues - 04/01/2010 13:50 - United States

Today, I had a large pimple on my temple. I decided to try the whole "put toothpaste on the zit to make it dry up" technique that all the magazines say to do. Not only is my pimple still there, but the toothpaste irritated my skin and my already large pimple now appears three times bigger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 082
You deserved it 8 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you had a different type of toothpaste than what the magazines used? At any rate, big pimples can hurt immensely. Sorry you have what sounds like a gargantuan pus-filled beast on your temple.


Maybe you had a different type of toothpaste than what the magazines used? At any rate, big pimples can hurt immensely. Sorry you have what sounds like a gargantuan pus-filled beast on your temple.