Panic stations!

By Anonymous - 12/12/2021 05:00

Today, my fiancé picked today of all days to have one of his depressive episodes where he can’t even get out of bed. We’re supposed to be getting married in four hours, and his episodes can last over a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 786
You deserved it 1 121

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aurora25 29

you dont "pick" when you have depressive episodes.. learn something

randybryant799 20

Ok so you know he didn't pick this problem. Right? And if he has episodes where he can't get out of bed for a week he definitely needs help. Maybe you could try worrying about him instead of yourself. Depression is serious.


Aurora25 29

you dont "pick" when you have depressive episodes.. learn something

ccarter15 1

She’s wasn’t complaining about him. She’s simply upset it happened, which is a reasonable response to having to cancel a wedding.

Aiden89 23

Aren’t marriage vows “For Better or Worse, in Sickness or Health?”

randybryant799 20

Ok so you know he didn't pick this problem. Right? And if he has episodes where he can't get out of bed for a week he definitely needs help. Maybe you could try worrying about him instead of yourself. Depression is serious.

Well just charge all of the cancellation fees and rescheduling fees and people gas money and people's booked time off to his credit card. Or change the wedding to a family reunion and have fun without him, get used to that.

Run!!! The bullet was awfully close. You dodged it like Keanu Reeves in "The Matrix!"

Dirtysalamander1 13

you're the definition to run for it.

I have to ask, when you uploaded this, what did you think was going to happen? All it does is paint you as a self-absorbed person. You get no sympathy from me. Try and be more sensitive to your future husbands suffering and offer support and guidance, especially when he is suffering and episode. He will appreciate it in the long run. Congratulations.

as someone who lives with depression, **** you. you don't choose to have it, and you don't pick when it happens, how long it lasts, or how severe it is. you should be supporting your fiance, and trying to help him through it. or you can let him find someone who actually understands what he's going through, or at the very least is willing to accept it.

ShortCaffinatedTitan 11

You knew they had depression going into this so in the nicest way possible **** you.

It_gets_better 19

Wow, I'm so sorry for both of you. Obviously, yeah he didn't pick this, but it's not selfish to also be sad it coincided with your wedding day.