By Rosie - 28/07/2018 05:00

Today, I got off a long shift and went to the bus stop. Upon arrival, I saw a girl giving a guy a blowjob. Disgusted, I tried to avoid them and sat on the bench to wait. The girl popped up angrily and looked over at me. "Can't you give us some privacy?!" This is the only bus stop nearby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 065
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chris_lillo 15

Take your phone out and start filming while loudly asking what they were doing!

blightsight 10

Privacy? in a public place? seriously?


chris_lillo 15

Take your phone out and start filming while loudly asking what they were doing!

no don't film, they don't deserve that. but it was totally out of order of her to say that to you.

Plot twist: that is a homeless couple living in the bus stop


Hey! You’re just waiting for your turn...I mean bus...

blightsight 10

Privacy? in a public place? seriously?

That's when ya say hold on one moment let me get my 10" strap-on out of my purse to use on your man 🤣🤣🤣

Call the police... nobody needs to see that shit

"If you want privacy, try doing that in private."

It coulda been worse — she coulda asked you to come over and give her a hand.

Tell her if she wanted privacy she should have went behind the dumpster.

"Are you sure the privacy is what you realllly seek?"