By BadassRumbleroar - 20/01/2012 03:46 - Canada

Today, I found out that when you are sitting on a full bench at a bus stop, some crazy person will come sit on you. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 591
You deserved it 3 024

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hahaha that's happened to me before. I just pushed them off :)

I watched someone sit on a woman's bag of groceries. She had all her groceries on the last available seat on the crowded bus and refused to move them. He looked at her and said, "you mad bro?"


Clozzie 0
Clozzie 0

Maybe that person really needed to sit down, you should of got up and let them!

Clozzie 0

Maybe that person really needed to sit down, you should of got up and let them!

Jokes on them, OP had a hard on, that'll teach the crazy person

xXxIracebethxXx 14

I hate buses and bus stops. Once, at the bus stop, this crazy man came up to me (out of about 7-10 people that were there) and told me a story about how he ended up in the hospital and got AIDS from a hooker... I feel sorry for you you, OP. Hope you shoved him away or something.

xSonic 9

37, sorry babe. Just needed to let it out.

In what way did op deserve that? no matter how you look at it, it was rude for the person to sit on op. It was kinda dumb for you to say otherwise.

On the bright side, at least the person sitting on you wasn't fat.

Op just put your dick in their ass !

^The FML and your comment go perfectly with your pic #80

37, I think you meant to post that on a different FML.

xXxIracebethxXx 14
Clozzie 0

Guys that person who sat on him could of been close to fainting! He should of noticed that! I dont mean to be rude! Im sorry if i have.

Hahaha that's happened to me before. I just pushed them off :)

Good job, you've just broken Creeper Law #2: Don't Internet creep in public places. It's the damn handbook! *waves Creeper Bible*

I watched someone sit on a woman's bag of groceries. She had all her groceries on the last available seat on the crowded bus and refused to move them. He looked at her and said, "you mad bro?"

astralvagan 20

FFFFFFUUUUUUUU- I left a word out! I have shamed my family. I will commit seppuku to regain lost honor. Also, the handbook is available at most major bookstores, at an MSRP of $12.99, making this a bargain as well as a necessity for any creeper! *seppuku* Get... your.... c-c-*cough*copy... today.....

16- Has that ever actually worked? Please do tell, I'd begin immediately

mstangchck 9

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xSonic 9

Great! Considering that it's an FML of course.... And no, I didn't detect your sarcasm

Since this conversation is goin nowhere, i must say i do like the op's name

Hope the guy that sat on you wasn't too fat. :P

Did you know that Santa is spelt with the same letters as satan, because there the same person.

zingline89 18

Well. If satan gives me presents every year, i'm perfectly fine with him

dethbunny 0

^Your pic goes perfectly with that comment.

I belive Saint Nick is another being than Lucifer

You should have ran your finger through their hair to creep em out that might get him/her to move.

Or gotten them to stay longer. They've probably gotta be very difficult to creep out if they sit on random people at bus stops.

natashax21 5

That plan can backfire real fast.

perdix 29

Really? I gotta get rid of my car and take the bus. Nowadays, I have to pay someone I find on Craigslist to do that for 20 bucks.

I now know where ima get a free lap dance for my 21st birthday.... XD

I used to sit at bus stops but then I took a weirdo to the lap.

M3741H34D 0