By Anonymous - 28/07/2018 15:00

Today, I went to the dentist and found out I still have a wisdom tooth. I got all four out last summer… or at least I thought I did. Now I have to go back and get it removed. Again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 336
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you just had extra (supernumerary) teeth. I do... 6 wisdom teeth and 1 other extra molar. I've seen them on my x-rays.

Now you have the wisdom that sometimes you get extra spare parts. Did you hear about the guy who had five dicks? His pants fit like a glove!


TomeDr 24

I think I’d have a serious chat with the oral surgeon who removed your wisdom teeth. And I’d want to see some x-rays from before your surgery and after. Sounds like someone screwed up big time.

Maybe you just had extra (supernumerary) teeth. I do... 6 wisdom teeth and 1 other extra molar. I've seen them on my x-rays.

I had six wisdom teeth too. Also three extra teeth. They only removed teeth that were coming in. I had to go in twice.

Now you have the wisdom that sometimes you get extra spare parts. Did you hear about the guy who had five dicks? His pants fit like a glove!

wysegirl 24

one of my coworkers has 5.. I am one of the lucky people who will never has wisdom teeth

There are people who have had 6! Although, it's the dentist's fault for not checking your entire skull/jaw for them before the procedure. Put it on them to foot the dental side of the bill (as dentual is usually capped coverage and medical isn't)

bluhbluhbluh 14

woah.. That's too much wisdom.

Wow was the dentist blind or did he not do x-rays,but I feel ur pain have had nothing but problems with my wisdom teeth all 4 of mine were misshapen top 2 had oversized Root's which broke my jaw being extracted then bottom right was a nightmare it was impacted,oversized had pushed 2 molars roots too the side with L shaped crown and the roots decided to grow around my jaw,I still have alot of issues with lower right but can't see a oral surgeon only 2 in isolated area I live but they don't take state med insurance last time I saved for years so I could travel two a nearby state for previous surgery's and nobody will touch lower left side because it's on a nerve cluster and degrading my jaw.

Ishvah 15

if you didn't know you have extra wisdom teeth, why get 'em removed? Doesn't sound like they're causing problems.

I had something similar. I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled at 12 because they were hitting molars in front on the bottom before they were even close to breaking the gum line. So they had to actually break the teeth and remove them in pieces. Well there was either another tooth forming or one started growing back due to being so young. But when I was 24 I had excruciating pain. It turns out that extra tooth not only was coming in, but because of having to break the teeth initially to extract them the tooth was cracked down the middle top to bottom with the nerve in between. So anytime so.ethi g would touch it or I would accidentally bite down the nerve would get pinched. The pain was so bad that I would completely lose my appetite if it got pinched so at 6feet tall I dropped from 145lbs down to around 112 lbs before I could get it pulled.

Would now be an inappropriate time to mention that I have none???