
By Anonymous - 24/08/2020 02:02

Today, I received a positive Covid-19 test. Despite being largely asymptomatic, the company I work for decided that I've behaved with "gross neglect" by coming to work in an attempt to support the company's ambition, and promptly fired me with no benefits. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 690
You deserved it 1 546

Same thing different taste

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did you go in before or after you got the test? if it was before that sucks, if it was after you completely deserve it.

bl3ur0z3 17

"Largely asymptomatic" is not completely asymptomatic. Also, asymptomatic carriers can spread viruses, and do so more often than symptomatic carriers because they're stupid and think no symptoms = not contagious. Your employer probably provided guidelines when the pandemic started (as 99.9% of employers did) indicating a requirement to self quarantine (or at least not show up and expose everybody else) if you've been exposed or suspect you have the virus. The fact that you felt it necessary to get tested means one of those applies and the fact that you went to work anyway means you didn't care about exposing everybody else. YDI.


With your unemployment cash, you can get some camo gear and a flamethrower. Wrongful termination lawsuits are a boring waste of money and you'll surely lose.

did you go in before or after you got the test? if it was before that sucks, if it was after you completely deserve it.

tounces7 27

Sounds like an excuse to get rid of you without their unemployment insurance going up. File for it anyway, you will most likely get it. Not like they would have kept you on if you'd just taken off work for no reason.

Ambrily 27

Having Covid-19 is a very valid reason. Being asymptomatic doesn't mean you don't spread the disease! OP deserved what they got, if they knew they had the virus and went to work anyway.

bl3ur0z3 17

"Largely asymptomatic" is not completely asymptomatic. Also, asymptomatic carriers can spread viruses, and do so more often than symptomatic carriers because they're stupid and think no symptoms = not contagious. Your employer probably provided guidelines when the pandemic started (as 99.9% of employers did) indicating a requirement to self quarantine (or at least not show up and expose everybody else) if you've been exposed or suspect you have the virus. The fact that you felt it necessary to get tested means one of those applies and the fact that you went to work anyway means you didn't care about exposing everybody else. YDI.

If you went knoing you were sick and could have spread it to vulnerable people, you deserve it.

My company has said they’ll fire anyone not wearing masks or following instructions related to heath and safety. If you had close contact or a Covid-19 test, you cannot come on site. It’s kind of basic logic. So if you were waiting on a possible result you should not have been at work, you were grossly irresponsible, and deserve to be fired. If you hadn’t been in since you first suspected the cases then yes, it sucks. Otherwise, they are probably justified in firing you for cause.

You went to work after receiving a positive test? You totally deserve to be fired. It really is people like you who are going to make this pandemic last forever. I just can't imagine what you were thinking.

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While I agree with you Aussie, it doesn't change the fact that the o.p. knowingly violated a company policy regarding a virus that people are scared of. Furthermore, regardless of what virus it is, you shouldn't go to work sick. Do I think Covid will kill me if I catch it? No. Do I believe the death numbers are way over-exagerated? Yes. Does that mean I want to deal with being sick, even though I'm certain I'd fully recover? No. I don't have time for that.

0.4% mortality rate of a population of approximately 7 billion is still 28,000,000. It's still very very serious.

Mathalamus 24

The fact that you were largely asympomatic and still got the test means you knew you had it, and therefore deserved it.

rotflqtms_ 21

The largely asymptomatic part yeah... At my job, we all got tested for free because we are nurses and have a high probability of being exposed. If we have any symptoms, we are supposed to stay home. Just the fact that they got tested isn't a YDI in my book. A lot of people who work in healthcare got tested even while 100% asymptomatic. The part that is pushing me towards YDI is that they had some symptoms... AND IF they went in AFTER getting a positive result, 100% YDI. If they went in while having the slightest suspicion that they had it, then YDI on them. But to be fair, a lot of people get tested with no symptoms because you can be 100% asymptomatic and still have it and spread it. I'm still going with YDI for because the wording sounds like they knew they had some symptoms and came in... or they came in after getting a positive result... not cool if either thing happened...

momth3penguin 4

The op states they tested POSITIVE. They deserved to be fired. No question about it.

grantssss 3

Oh man you put your colleagues at risk to permanent lung problems or death you poor soul YDI

You’re lucky that you’re not in a country where you could be legally prosecuted if you knowingly went to work after testing positive. Asymptomatic does not mean you cannot spread it to others. Did you actually bother listening to the news at least once from February onwards???