By Anonymous - 12/12/2010 02:20 - United States

Today, I got married. Tonight, I received the best orgasm of my life. Not from my husband; from the jacuzzi tub in our honeymoon suite, where he was passed out drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 481
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

on the bright side..... you had a good ******

****** =win husband=fail fact that you married him= unexplainable


reeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't see the huge problem here. An ******'s an ******!

WingsFan80 4

I like your way of thinking :)

mav1986 1

ydi. why marry someone who doesn't give you an ******?

WingsFan80 4

Ummmm.....OP didn't say her husband couldn't give her an ******. She said her husband passed out on the wedding night and she got it from the jacuzzi.

dlb13 3

Hey, atleast u got some pleasure rite?;D

hamstersFOreal 0

ur gunna get a yeast infection lol

doof_fisch 2
reddwarf_fml 0
TempestRain 0

Omg! That is literally the same as my honeymoon!

trippincccs 0

and now your pregant Jerry springer time