Doug E. Not So Fresh

By Anonymous - 28/10/2021 23:30 - India - Jamshedpur

Today, I was trying to learn beatboxing. As soon as I started trying it out, my grandmother started slapping my back, and mom came in running with a glass of water. Both of them thought I was choking to death. I can't beatbox to save my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 703
You deserved it 570

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And with your family, you can't beatbox to end your life either!

YDI. That's what you get for horribly beatboxing and around loving and protective family. How dare you? Tricking people into thinking your choking is messed up.


And with your family, you can't beatbox to end your life either!

YDI. That's what you get for horribly beatboxing and around loving and protective family. How dare you? Tricking people into thinking your choking is messed up.

And1 12
phybreawptic 13