Son of a snitch

By Anonymous - 25/04/2024 09:00 - United States - Maryland Heights

Today, despite the fact that I'm happy and in love, my spiteful brat of a 12 year-old keeps spreading hateful and disgusting lies about my boyfriend doing unspeakable things while I'm away on business. Her dad told me he's reporting my boyfriend to the police. FML
I agree, your life sucks 180
You deserved it 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How certain are you that her claims are completely baseless? Maybe she is a spiteful brat; it doesn't automatically make her not a victim. And you're leaving your 12 yr old daughter with your boyfriend while you're away on business? I don't care how in love you are, that's really not very smart. Your ex sounds like the only responsible party in this entire story.

You really need to listen to your daughter first. If she is claiming the bf I abusing her, then you NEED to have it investigated. No bf is worth putting up with if they abuse people (or animals). If it is to the point your ex is calling the police, you should at least investigate. Too often we read about some nutjob who killed his girlfriend and her family. Stockholm and related syndromes are real. please don't be deluded by fuzzy feelings.


How certain are you that her claims are completely baseless? Maybe she is a spiteful brat; it doesn't automatically make her not a victim. And you're leaving your 12 yr old daughter with your boyfriend while you're away on business? I don't care how in love you are, that's really not very smart. Your ex sounds like the only responsible party in this entire story.

You really need to listen to your daughter first. If she is claiming the bf I abusing her, then you NEED to have it investigated. No bf is worth putting up with if they abuse people (or animals). If it is to the point your ex is calling the police, you should at least investigate. Too often we read about some nutjob who killed his girlfriend and her family. Stockholm and related syndromes are real. please don't be deluded by fuzzy feelings.

BrizBurry 10

she may have good reasons of what she says are lies. always listen to your child. they should always come first

Vesi 29

I'm a survivor of some of the most heinous things a parent can do to their kid. Thank the gods my mother listened to me and we got away from him. DO NOT ignore this. Get her to a therapist and to a doctor to look for any proof of abuse. Do NOT leave her alone with the BF unless all investigations prove false. TAKE YOUR DAUGHTER SERIOUSLY! If you are wrong, you are complicit and should not have that kid again. If you are right, then your daughter needs counseling. Well, either way she needs counselling.

So you're choosing your boyfriend over your own daughter? Calling her spiteful out of convenience? How long have you been with this guy? I believe victims, and he must be investigated. Help her before it's too late: You get arrested for being an accessory to his crimes, her father gets full custody, and your daughter never wants to see you again. That's what you deserve if you keep deluding yourself.

Your ex needs to report you for child neglect. Kids. Before. Partners.

set up hidden cameras that no one but you knows about. you'll either prove your boyfriend's innocence or find out he really is doing the unspeakable things. just because you're happy and in love doesn't mean he's not a predator. your daughter should be with her dad when you're away

Even if your daughter is being spitful, that is because of the relationship and atmosphere you cultivated. She is the child. You are the adult.