By Anonymous - 14/01/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with my wife over how she spends too much time with her gay best friend. Now she says that if I want to ever get intimate with her again, I'll have to let her watch as I give him a striptease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 324
You deserved it 11 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

k8izgr8_fml 0

well OP what's more important to you? your pride and masculinity, or getting laid? START UNDRESSING

Jakesterk96 8

Get a lesbian and make her your best friend, problem solved.


inbreeding is the only logical explanation

Its easier to write your than you're

gravygecko 2

She is withholding sex until you humiliate yourself in front of her and her best friend? File for divorce. She's an awful, manipulative woman who appears to delight in emasculating you. It's funny to see all the people saying it's no big deal and that you should just do it, but I suspect they would be organizing a lynch mob if it was a man telling his wife that he would withhold affection until she did a strip tease for his best friend.

ctlnaaia71 8

gay friend? he's screwing your wife and now he wants a threesome! I bet he's bisexual and he got a taste of her, you're the next one on his list. Get a good attorney and divorce that bitch!

Well if you agree to this where will it end? (I'm referring to the blackmailing. I'd rather not think about how a strip tease for a bloody poofta will end)


I would find a lesbian friend and play your wife's game.

Fyl indeed.... Talk to her about it or divorce her ass if she spends way too much time with her gay bestie and doesn't care otherwise

HEY I WOULD DO IT , it would make you sex life intresting

it's not gay in a three way, kidding. Your wife should consider your feelings in this. Dont make out with her gay friend but maybe just get to know him better. If you become friends with him too it might make your wife spend more time with her other friends.