By Anonymous - 14/01/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with my wife over how she spends too much time with her gay best friend. Now she says that if I want to ever get intimate with her again, I'll have to let her watch as I give him a striptease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 324
You deserved it 11 279

Same thing different taste

Top comments

k8izgr8_fml 0

well OP what's more important to you? your pride and masculinity, or getting laid? START UNDRESSING

Jakesterk96 8

Get a lesbian and make her your best friend, problem solved.


texfrankie 0

Bro you're ****** either way... Just try to make the best of it!

How do people not understAnd the difference between "your" and "you're"

rayne2021 5

Get a divorce. Seriously, wtf kind of spouse does that?

It's pathetic how intimated men get over things which aren't even threats.

Ins_Knie 2

IF women want to be taken seriously by men, they should be accountable for what they say, joke or not. Either way it's bad news.

SMHreally 0

One of those things you take to the grave with you *shivers*

TahoeFMler 22

Uh... If his new BFF to be is really a lesbian, then she isn't going to **** him.

Cricknah 5

It sounds like you need to consider marriage counseling. If you tried to explain how you felt and she disregarded it to the extent that she feels like withholding sex and demanding humiliation and being uncomfortable are suitable punishments, it sounds like you guys need it. I hope things work out for the best.